African Music

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Divorce before the first anniversary!

Statistics for divorce rate in the world is shocking, but the divorce rate in Africa is just frightening! Have you ever asked yourself why the divorce rate keeps on rising even in Africa?  Growing up, even the mention of the word 'divorce' was frowned upon.  The extended family, the clan and counsel of elders did whatever it took to restore harmony in a crumbling marriage.  Today however, it is so normal and even fashionable to file for divorce even before the first wedding anniversary!
We have so many dysfunctional  families, i even wonder how our children's generation will turn out to be.  We have young children moving from one home to another weekly.  One week in mum's house, the next in dad's; being abused by their father's or mother's new spouses! even worse, we have cases of siblings marrying each other because they don't even know that they are siblings.  In the best scenario, the children are handed over to their grand mothers in the village to take care of them.  It is a shame!
One of the biggest reason for all this is the act of loosing our culture and shall discuss that in the next post)
So, today our mother, Africa cries.  She moans, for her children are lost.  in a soft voice she calls and wants you to understand how important and sacred marriage is in your culture.  see how your grand parents managed to live in matrimony for a lifetime.  She calls for you to sit down, look back where you have fallen and pick yourself up.  She will be a proud mother when her children rank the lowest in divorce rate, and surely it is possible.
"The buttocks are like a married couple though there is constant friction between them; they will still love and live together''
-African proverbs

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