African Music

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The Equality Concept

Many people have miss understood the equality concept, as a result of this misunderstanding we have women who want to be men and men who are useless and undermined.  Now, before you judge, hear me out first.
  In the last post we talked about divorce and pointed that one of the cause is loosing our cultural values.  Every culture is different and have different values and beliefs, so does ours.  I say Africa should accept change(it is inevitable), but to what extent should we accept these changes.  

The equality concept for instance, it was and still is a very strange concept in Africa.  Simply because in Africa people aren't equal!  That does not mean that one's right to live is better than the other, no.  It just means that people are categorized; children, elders, parents, chiefs, mothers, fathers etc, and all these are treated differently. I do agree that there were some practices that were directly suppressing and harming other people.  For instance, circumcising girls, beating up wives etc.

Now, the equality concept was brought to us with good intentions of eliminating these bad practices.  However, we have taken it in such a way that it has become war between men and women!!! Women are striving to overtake men and men are still puzzled at what is happening they even become useless!  In African culture, a man takes his role as a family provider very seriously, his manly responsibilities at home are also not forgotten. But today you will find a wife painting the house by herself and the man is watching football while waiting for lunch!! what kind of nonsense is that!  

Ever since we, women started earning degrees we see our husbands as good for nothing, we undermine them and call them useless.  We want to be the men of the houses and do everything. This is when bitterness creeps in marriages and divorce is warmly welcomed.  It has become chaos!  We have even forgotten how our system use to work.
We all, as a continent and individuals should critically think, analyse, understand and sieve every theory and concept introduced to us.  Is it necessary? does it contradict with my values? what is wrong with the current one? These are some of the many questions we should ask ourselves before we accept change.


  1. I understand your point but I don't agree in what you consider that is equality meaning. Equality isn't women doing everything is sharing tasks and having the same rights. Congratulations for your post, it's really interesting.

    1. Thank you Juan for stopping by and taking your time to read. I do agree that equality is having the same rights and both men and women should fulfill their responsibilities. karibu tena (your welcome to visit again!)

  2. It is a pity we have found ourselves in this situation my sister. In the beginning, God created man and woman to help each other. Adam, the husband and Eve, the wife. God ordained it properly but we have deviated from the original path. Man should be responsible. Woman should make their valuable contribution to make marriage to work.Apart from the fact that divorce is UN-Biblical, it worsen situation. My candid take is for men and women to take responsibilities as a task that must be done. God will help us

    1. He surely will and i do hope that we will all wake up and change our thinking. Thank you for contributing Busayo.
