African Music

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Resilient Africa; Resilient us!

Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from difficulties, stress and catastrophe.sounds easy hey? well, its easier said than done.But we, Africans have a long history of resilience.  Not that we don't experience pain, not that we have no feelings, not that our lives are a bed of roses, but because of the spirit of resilience within us we don't break.
As a continent we have been given many names; poor,dark,third world, poverty land and many others that don't reflect the real us.  I do admit, we are poor and we have got loads of problems which by the way is just life, because what is life without puzzles to fix.  But that doesn't define us either, i'l tell you what does..."RESILIENCE''.  This single word covers every nation in Africa and every corner of every nation.  AIDS has engulfed us, malaria has killed our children, TB has left our brothers helpless, but within all that we still find the strength to fight.  After weeping and mourning, we wipe our tears, wash our faces, stand and get back in the battle field. We fight and emerge stronger.
They say fire's daughter is fire, and a baby snake is not taught how to bite, its in his nature to bite.  Whatever is born of mother Africa has veins flowing with African resilience.  Mama Africa passes this trait to all her children(the nations).
Take Rwanda for instance, this month it marks its 20th year after the deadly genocide.  the genocide was gruesome, taking more than 800,000 lives; men, women and children.  No one thought it would ever recover from that.  But look at Rwanda today, shinning!!  People who killed each other live under the same roof(forgiveness), mothers taking care of their once enemies' children(compassion), it is now strong and back on track(resilience)
The 2012 Kenyan elections were expected to be full of blood shed considering the 2007 post election violence which took thousands of lives.  But Kenyans knew better, they had learnt their lesson, They chose to show the world what they have inherited from their mother; resilience.
From nations, this quality is passed down to each African; dead, alive and the yet to come!  You should know that you are resilient.  No matter the challenges and struggles you are going through today, you have the power to not just get through them but to come out sane and stronger.  There is no need to commit suicide;remind yourself of your resilient trait, turn to your resilient brothers and sisters who can lift you up.
Remember, weeping endureth for the night but joy comes in the morning.
Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.
-An African proverb


  1. Can we in Nigeria be said to be resilient? Too much killing

    1. I think the fact that even after going through all that you still can put smiles on your faces and find forgiveness in your hearts makes you resilient. however, that should not be a reason to go around killing people....i think we should all move past this hatred. i should write a post on it soon. Thanks for passing by Amaka.
